
Comlausa village has 836 inhabitants and belongs to the district of Batarci. It is firstly mentioned in documents in 1378, as village of Romanian inhabitants (possessio valachalis). The mentioning in documents of the village actually reflects the existence of the village before this date. Still, the settlement was founded some time after 1319, because the marking of the limits of the area doesn’t mention anything about the existence of the village. The locality belongs to the Nyaláb domain and to its owners, the Perényi family, during the Middle Ages. Rutenii have established in Comlausa during its long existence. They were assimilated and then, have disappeared.
The Austrian-Hungarian administration established in 1907 the changing of the official name of the village from Komlós in Ugocsakomlós, because of the frequency of this name on the Hungarian territory.
     One of the most interesting and most atypical examples of popular architecture is the house built in the first half of the 20th century. The partitioning of the interior follows the pattern of the traditional dwellings, but the porch situated on the long side of the house stands on huge circular piles showing the house as an aristocratic curia.
